Sky IDentification

eKYC Solution
New Sky IDentification v6.3 is live.
eKYC process
In a fast growing Digital World, Knowing Your Customer is more important than ever. Sky IDentification provides Digital Customer On-Boarding and eKYC. Its AI and Deep Machine Learning verifies Passports & ID Cards.
User On-Boarding and Authentication was always a big Manual Process for each industry specially Finance where more risk is involved. We replaced that using OCR Streaming with Face Match Streaming and Liveness Detection. This ensure User is present during Identification and no Spoof.
All in two steps
Easy customization of your dynamic On-line or Off-line Documents scanning App White-Labeled Solution with Full control of your user interface (UI) design.
Seamless integration into your mobile and web applications thanks to our multiple connectors (Mobile SDK, Web SDK, Scanner SDK, API) for private or public use.

ID Document Scan
- Scan front and back side
- Full OCR Streaming
- ID Checks
- ID Data Extraction
- ID Classification
- ID Fraud Detection
- 99.5% Accuracy

Liveness Detection
- Blink Liveness Detection
- Rotation Liveness Detection
- Smile Liveness Detection
- Anti-spoofing system Detection
- 99.6% Accuracy
SKY IDentification instantly shows the face matching result and then provide you all the data extracted from the document

Face Matching
- Matching Selfie/video VS Document ID
- Full Face Match Streaming
- Real Person Detection
- Fraud Detection
- Real Time Face Recognition
- 99.9% Accuracy

- Real Time Results
- Face Match Score
- Liveness Score
- Remote Authentication
Key Benefits
Real Time Deep OCR Streaming to identify, classify and qualify your documents. Real Time Deep Face Matching Streaming to identify and authenticate your customers. Multi-connectors and Multi-Devices solution.
Check ID authenticity and intelligent data extraction
Comply with growing regulations round the globe.
Data encryption, secure connection protocol, tokenization system.
Completely customizable through the Sky IDentification portal.
Easy Integration using multi connectors of Sky IDentification.

Make sure the person holding the ID is the same person in the ID photo.
Real time Liveness Check using Steaming Face Analysis.
Ease of use while user verification done in real time, remotely.
Android, IOS, Web, Flutter, React, Codename ONE, Scanner and API.
Request Processing in less than a second.
Type of supported documents
ID Documents
Credit cards
Retail receipts
Payment slips
SIM cards
Scan vehicle
Bank Checks
Flexible and Innovative KYC and AML Solutions Tailored To Your Industry
We Serve +240 country
Our Dear Clients !